Our flagship partnership

Sending instruments to Kenya

We work to send instruments to Kenya

AB&W has worked with many charities and community based groups. Our flagship partnership charity is the AB&W Band in Kenya, which was initially set up by our wonderful and inspiring friend Bob Thomas. AB&W is privileged to have the opportunity to support these children in furthering their musical aspirations and experiencing all the benefits music can bring to their lives.

Below are some of the letters AB&W has received from Bob:
“I made a recent visit to Dave Walker at AB&W in Leeds. This is the third or so visit I have made. Dave is a good lad as he has given me loads of old kit. I cart this off to Kisumu in Kenya where I run a band for disadvantaged kids.

Amongst the gear this time was bits of drum kit and a few sorry looking cornets which I will repair. My repair work ain't pretty but it is damn strong! I would guess that most of my stuff is in constant use. I rehearse two groups and they each do three nights a week. The kids come from very deprived backgrounds as their fathers are mainly poor fishermen. I finance the operation myself from my MOD pension. It is bloody hard work but we are getting there. I have posted 7 of my better players on YouTube under "Lake Victoria band”. It is only a minute or so long. 

Cheers, Bob.”
“Hi Dave, another bit of junk you didn't even know you had. I carted this away from York Street when I saw you in April this year.

An old Hawkes cornet with shank so circa 1935. This is now in the hands of a boy called Ramsey who thinks that it is just fine and dandy. He has given it a bit of a clean. As you can see from the ripped sleeve we are talking poor kids here. This school serves the nearby slum area of Mishamaroni.

The opportunity to play an instrument is not a "take it or leave it" decision for these kids. If a chance is given it is taken. Something that would be mocked in the West is of great value here in Kenya. Ramsey is envied by his pals. From the John Packer cornet to an old Regent Eb bass a lot of my gear has the All Brass and Woodwind pedigree. 

Take the compliment Dave! 

Cheers, Bob.”